Team Manager/Locker Room Monitor Information

Thank you for taking on the crucial role of team manager! 

On this page you will find information to help you in your role. 

Team Manager Handbook

As a team manager you must complete the following trainings and registrations.

Thank you for taking on the crucial role of locker room monitor! 

As a locker room monitor you must complete the following trainings and registrations.

This above link is for all members of FVYHA that require SafeSport training and background screening.

The below link will take you to USA Hockey for free registration as a Volunteer. There are also below links for completion of the background screening and SafeSport training

Register with USA Hockey

Register as a volunteer and email your USA hockey number to the registrar.

Background Screening

Complete a background check (the club will reimburse you this cost)

Safesport Training

Email a PDF copy of your certificate to the club registrar upon completion.

Helpful People


Jon Otto - 


Stacy Dake -

Volunteer Coordinator:

Sam Hawkinson -

Safesport Coordinator:

Chris Hansman -

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